It has been a busy week. I wanted to get the last of the Beach Ornaments done before I went to bed tonight, only I couldn't find my glasses. I could have sworn I left them on my desk, but no, they were on my shirt. I've been playing with wood this week (see yesterday's post for a little stamping fun). The blue squares are chalkboard painted. The clothes pin/peg is holding the itop snap ring (I'm including a snap bobby pin as well). The others will be turned into earrings by the magic of jump rings. I've found a tube for the chalk to fit in the giftee's purse. Under the glass ornaments you can see the end of my little crop-a-dile. It punched through those wood pieces like buttah. Only one piece broke and it was too close to the edge. The pile of ink pads were used in my wooden experiments (except for the chalkboard bits). I'm having a ranger fest today, Distress Inks, Glossy Accents, Misty thingies, and color wash..

The ornaments are filled with sand, tomorrow I'll make the boxes and label the ornaments. Luckily two ornaments fit into a brown lunch bag. The punch in front is for the itop.
Here's a picture of me from longggggg ago. I wasn't shy, I just couldn't/can't stand having the sun in my eyes. Girl Scout Sunday, you can just make out the fingers of the gloves. This was a printer experiment gone awry, so Friday I'm hoping to experiment on photos :D.
If you're curious to see what other people are doing on their workdesk this Wednesday, head over to Julia's
Stamping Ground and have a gander. Better yet, join in the fun.